Are you ready to feel confident in houseplant care?

So you can enjoy a peaceful, homey, and lush houseplant collection for a lifetime?

Get Planty Course IS for you if ...

  • you have always wanted a green thumb.

  • you don’t feel confident in houseplant care, but REALLY want to!

  • you are looking for a community of plant-loving people to grow alongside of.

  • you want your home to feel like a peaceful, urban jungle, but don’t know where to start.

  • you are ready to ignite a life-long passion for plants.

  • you want to dip your toe into basic botany.

Get Planty Course is NOT for you if ...

  • you are already a houseplant expert.

  • you don’t have 20-30 minutes a day to devote to learning well.

  • you just want learn how to keep your fiddle leaf fig alive (you can do that for free on my website).

"The best self-care I've invested in all year" - Jill Halverson

Absolutely amazing!

- Brittany Good

"If you have any kind of houseplants or even outdoor plants you will find this course absolutely priceless. I started out as a very insecure, nervous houseplant collector. And now I feel like they’re my friends. So much confidence boosted! It's also such an aesthetically pleasing course. Dusty has done a beautiful job of putting this course together. You will not regret taking this course!"
Enroll Now

You see the beauty and value houseplants have to offer.

How can you truly enjoy houseplants in you are so worried you are going to kill them?

ENROLL NOW for $50

How It Works

  • 1. Enroll in Get Planty

    When you enroll in Get Planty, you'll get immediate access to modules one and two so you can start learning right away!

  • 2. Two Modules Each Week

    Get Planty is on a drip schedule. This means that every week, you'll get 2-3 modules to work on at your own pace.

  • 3. Study. Learn. Grow.

    Within each module, there are step-by-step lessons, short quizzes, and assignments to help you apply what you learn. Lessons are available as video, downloadable audio, and text.

I know you love houseplants,

buuuuut they just don't seem to love you back...

Even though you’ve read countless care guides and you do your best to keep your houseplants happy.

You fertilize more, you spray it with water to increase humidity, and yet still those leaves are yellowed and the tips have gone brown.

Or maybe you have a few houseplants already and you love them, they are doing well enough, but you aren’t sure what you’re supposed to be doing, or why you are doing it.

It all feels a little confusing and your houseplant doesn’t look nearly as beautiful as when you fell in love with it at the plant shop.

What was supposed to be a fun and peaceful addition to your home is just causing frustration and stress, and it's not so beautiful anymore.

But there is something special about you:

you see the beauty houseplants can offer.

You’re willing to make the effort to grow something AMAZING- but you just don’t know where to start.

You’re overwhelmed by all the information, and rightly so! There is so much bad houseplant information out there.

(Don’t even get me started on that water dropper for succulents.)

And if you've killed a succulent, it doesn't mean that you're doomed to be a plant killer! 

It just means that you probably have the wrong information and don't understand how a plant grows. If you don't understand how a plant grows, how can you facilitate that growth well?

This is why I created Get Planty Course: to teach you a foundational understanding of how plants grow so you can facilitate plant growth WELL and actually enjoy the growth process.

My goal for you is to be able to look at a houseplant and make an educated guess about its care, to know which plant will do well in your home, and to know what to do with it after you bring it there.

I want you to feel confident in houseplant care.

by Lilah Higgins

Get Planty taught me SO much more than I expected!

by Lilah Higgins

This was one of my favorite courses I've ever taken. Everything was enjoyable and easy to digest. I was expecting to learn how to keep my plant alive, but I came away with a BETTER understanding of botany, basic science theories, and what makes a truly great plant environment!

Through something as seemingly simple as a houseplant, God has taught me more than I could have ever imagined.

I believe nature is a God-given gift to remind us of His power, majesty, and grace.

Every day, God uses nature to reflect His love, to nourish our bodies, to provide comfort and peace, and to give us warmth and shelter.

Nature is incredible!

How wonderful is it that we get to bring a little piece of that precious gift indoors and be reminded of God’s love and intentionality daily?

Houseplants bring me happiness, they add beauty, they make my home feel cozy, they inspire FUN, and man - I want you to have FUN.

You deserve it.

But let's get real for a second.

Deep value and beauty aside, it really is just a houseplant.

You can buy them almost anywhere, and you certainly don't need houseplants to have a wonderful life and a comfortable home.

Houseplants are just for fun, so let's have fun!

Are you ready to learn, grow, and nurture both yourself and your houseplant collection?

Enroll Now for $50

Your efforts are GOOD!

I think it’s important to recognize that your efforts in keeping your houseplants alive, no matter how successful, are GOOD.

Very good.

Houseplants have deep value, and that value is always worth working towards!

Houseplants can add beauty, peace, comfort, and fun to your life.

They serve as tools to remind you of the value of self-care, slowing down, breathing deeply, and enjoying the little things.

They sing God's praises and He uses them time and time again to remind His people of His incredible love and grace.

Houseplants are deeply valuable!

When you enroll in Get Planty I can help you make the most of your well-intended efforts and grow something you are proud of.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Let's Get Planty!

  • 3

    Module 2: Growth Mindset

    • 2.1 Mindset
    • 2.2 Setting Expectations
    • 2.3 Crediting the Creator
  • 4

    Module 3: Basic Botany

    • 3.1 Photosynthesis 101
    • 3.2 Plant Latin 101
    • 3.3 Toxic houseplants
    • Botany Quiz
    • Instagram Template: For fun!
  • 5

    Module 4: Plant Anatomy 101

    • 4.1 Intro to plant anatomy & BONUS coloring pages
    • 4.2 Native Terrain & Habitat
    • Assignment: Native Habitat Research
    • 4.3 Roots
    • 4.4 Stems
    • 4.5 Leaves
    • 4.6 Flowers and Inflorescence
    • 4.7 Defining: Succulent, Cactus, and Euphorbia
    • Quick Plant Anatomy Quiz
  • 6

    Module 5: Light

    • 5.1 Intro to Light (Direct, Indirect, & Full Sun)
    • 5.2 Sun Exposure
    • 5.3 Thriving vs Adaptive Growth
    • 5.4 Visual Indicators for Light Requirements
    • 5.5 General Light Guide
    • 5.6 Measuring Light (Assignment)
    • Instagram Template: More planty fun!
  • 7

    Module 6: Water

    • 6.1 When to water
    • 6.2 Watering Methods (How to Water)
    • 6.3 General Watering Guide & Seasonal Watering
    • 6.4 Humidity
    • Watering Quiz
    • BONUS: Instagram Story Template
  • 8

    Module 7: Potting

    • 7.1 Intro to potting
    • 7.2 Drainage and aeration
    • 7.3 Selecting pot size & material
    • 7.4 Choosing a growing medium (soil & dirt!)
    • 7.5 When to repot
    • Potting quiz
    • BONUS: Instagram story
    • 7.6 Repotting a root bound plant
    • 7.7 Repotting (Fiddle Leaf Fig)
    • Homework: Repot your houseplant
  • 9

    Module 8: Houseplant Maintenance

    • 8.1 Fertilizer 101
    • 8.2 Pruning Basics
    • 8.3 Propagation 101
  • 10

    Module 9: Houseplant Troubleshooting

    • 9.1 Diagnosing plant problems, An introduction
    • 9.2 Dead or drying leaves and flowers
    • 9.3 Yellowing leaves
    • 9.4 Leggy (or sparse) growth
    • 9.5 Dropping leaves & brown tips
    • 9.6 No growth for a long time
    • 9.7 Droopy leaves, soggy leaves, & brown splotches
    • 9.8 Mold, mildew, white powder
    • 9.9 Root Rot Surgery
    • Troubleshooting Quiz
  • 11

    Module 10: Pests

    • 10.1 Houseplant Pests 101
    • 10.3 Fungus Gnats (little black flies)
    • 10.4 Spider mites (tiny webbing on leaves)
    • 10.5 Mealybugs ( little, cottony balls)
    • Pests Quiz
  • 12

    Final steps

    • OHMYGOODNESS! You did it!
    • A quick exit survey
    • Do you want to be an affiliate?

Ready to invest in a hobby you love, grow well, and curate a houseplant collection you can feel PROUD of?

My name is Dusty Hegge

I am your houseplant instructor! I have had houseplants under my care since I was about 8 years old, and I have learned so much since then.

My goal is to help you get rid of plant shame and replace it with confidence, fun, and curiosity.

I can’t help but see the parallels between plant growth and human growth, and I know that is by God’s design.

I am so ready to love on you, encourage GOOD growth, and teach you how to keep your houseplants alive.

I can’t wait to get planty with you!

(And continue to make all the plant puns. Don’t worry, they won’t be dirty.)

See, I told you. I’m a hoot.

The next five weeks are going to be incredible!

by Kathryn Coffman


by Kathryn Coffman

"Dusty is a plant magician! She has this insane wealth of knowledge that NEEDS to be heard by the community around her and the fact that she is so community-centered and passionate about sharing the joy of plants just makes being in her presence even better. She leads from her strong faith and makes sure every person she meets knows how very loved, unique, and worthy they are. Plants need you, and you need Dusty! Sign up for one of her classes-- you'll thank yourself forever."

Ready to start learning?

Your plants will thank you!

Enroll Now

5 weeks of plant growth and personal growth, all in God's grace.


Welcome & Join the Get Planty Community

Get instant access to the Get Planty Student Community and a fun welcome bonus when you enroll in the course so you can jump right into our community group and meet your fellow students.

Module 1: Bringing a Houseplant Home

Learn how to pick out the right plant for your home, download your houseplant shopping guide, and add a new plant to your collection! I’ll teach you what to do when you bring a new plant home and I even cover a quick & dirty guide to repotting.


Module 2: Growth Mindset

This module is very dear to my heart. We’ll address expectations, mindset, and talk about why it’s so important to credit our Creator. In this lesson, expect breakthrough moments, clarity, and to be challenged to consider what it really means to grow well.


Module 3: Basic Botany

Understanding basic photosynthesis (how a plant creates its own food) is essential in helping your plant to create food so it can eat and live! (Yes, plants eat! Just maybe not quite as delicious of food as we get to.) We also cover plant Latin and toxic houseplants so you can identify houseplants better and bring the right plants into your home.

Module 4: Plant Anatomy

I teach plant anatomy through the lens of what is important for you to know as a houseplant gardener. Knowing how a plant operates will help you to care for it well! Plus, I have fun coloring pages that I illustrated to help you remember what you learn!


Module 5: Light

Light is the catalyst for growth. Understanding how much light your plant needs, how it collects light, and what exactly it does with light will help you grow lush, full, thriving houseplants!

Module 6: Water

You've probably heard someone say that overwatering is the number one reason houseplants die. That's incorrect. The problem usually lies in not understanding how a plant uses water, not prioritizing light, and a whole slew of other common mistakes. There is a lot of confusion about how to water and how much to water with. I am going to clear up all that confusion and give you actionable ways to figure out EXACTLY what your houseplant needs.


Module 7: Potting

Your houseplant isn't meant to live indoors. Plants are supposed to grow OUTdoors. Knowing how to best replicate its native growing conditions within the confines of one small pot is an important aspect of houseplant care! I'll show you hands-on videos and walk you through step-by-step how to pot and repot your houseplants correctly.

Module 8: Houseplant Maintenance

There is more to houseplant care than water and light. Knowing how to care for your plant and when will take out the stress and make this process so much more fun! I cover basic fertilizer, pruning, and propagation.


Module 10: Houseplant Troubleshooting

Your plant will communicate with you when something about its care is off. I want you to be able to interpret what it's trying to tell you when its leaves go yellow or the tips turn brown.

Module 11: Pests

If you own houseplants, you WILL eventually get houseplant pests. These little bugs can take over quick if you don't know how to handle them properly. I am going to walk you through how to get rid of common houseplant pests so that you don't have to worry!

Final Steps

If you make it through all five weeks of Get Planty, you will be able to confidently grow a beautiful, peaceful houseplant collection. I know it! I have seen so many people walk through my course, and by the end, they feel confident and excited to keep learning!

You bet your booty there are bonuses!

Get Planty Student Community

  • Plant Care Google Calendar

    Never forget to water your houseplants again! You'll get a link to my personal houseplant calendar to help you remember to care for your houseplants.

  • Private Community

    You will be added to the Get Planty Student Community Facebook group. There, you will have accountability, a place to ask all your questions, and bonus supplemental trainings throughout the course.

Get Planty Course Reviews

Worth Every Penny!

Katelyn Vandever

I’m so thankful I found Dusty and this course! I learned so much valuable knowledge and skills through this course that I either would have never known or wo...

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I’m so thankful I found Dusty and this course! I learned so much valuable knowledge and skills through this course that I either would have never known or would have taken me years to learn on my own! I would recommend this to any houseplant newbies or even people who are seasoned houseplant owners who just want to learn more about their plants or want access to an amazing community of people to share your passion for God’s nature with! This was such a fun experience!

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Lots of Planty knowledge given in an entertaining way

Stephanie Davis

This course was awesome! Dusty covered everything I could think of and more in a concise easy to follow manner. And you can't help but laugh at her humor thr...

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This course was awesome! Dusty covered everything I could think of and more in a concise easy to follow manner. And you can't help but laugh at her humor throughout! I feel like I might now have the knowledge to help my houseplants not just survive (which has mostly by luck so far) but thrive!

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Johannah Hafner

The most beautiful thing ever! Every single section was gorgeous, easy to follow, and interesting.

The most beautiful thing ever! Every single section was gorgeous, easy to follow, and interesting.

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Noelle Adams

I discovered I can have a green thumb and it’s simpler than I made it out to be! Dusty did a great job of breaking down houseplant care step by step and maki...

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I discovered I can have a green thumb and it’s simpler than I made it out to be! Dusty did a great job of breaking down houseplant care step by step and making it interesting, scientific and accessible. I 100% recommend signing up. I have about 20 houseplants now and they bring me so much joy! I was also glad to go over the discussion on growing well in life and faith in addition to planty growth.

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Think of it like your great-grandmother's garden club, only better.

Ready to invest in a hobby you love, grow well, and curate a houseplant collection you can feel PROUD of?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does the course start?

    Right when you enroll! The course is set on a "drip schedule" this means that each week you'll get access to 2 new modules over the course of five weeks. You will have access to all course content for 90 days.

  • When will I get new coursework?

    Every Monday for 5 plant-filled weeks!

  • Wait. Is it self-paced?

    Get Planty is a guided course on a "drip" schedule. This means each week you'll get new coursework, but you can complete the coursework assigned each week at your own pace.

  • I don't believe in God. Is the focus primarily on houseplant care?

    Yes!! No matter your worldview, I would be so honored if you enrolled in the Get Planty Course. I want to help your houseplants THRIVE! That said, my relationship with God is far too important to me to not credit His design in nature, so I will mention Him because I love Him dearly! There is an entire lesson about the importance in crediting God in nature (in Module 2) which is where this content is primarily focused. If that’s not your cuppa tea, no hard feelings!

Still not sure? Try the Get Planty Course for FREE!

No strings attached! You can preview Modules 1 and 2 to see if you think Get Planty Course will be right for you. You don't even have to enter your payment method.
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